8 Leading UI and UX Trends to Dominate in 2021!

Cherooth Raheem
5 min readJan 22, 2021


No one could have predicted the quick change in our day-to-day lives in 2020. In the digital universe, we at least had the advantage of being a non-physical contact world, so fortunately for many of us, it was business as usual. If anything, it boosted us. Businesses have been increasingly appreciating how far digital can reach, and how instrumental it can be to running a business, especially when the face-to-face contact world is no longer possible.

As we go into 2021, digital services are more popular than ever. Now more than ever, UI/UX designers have a huge role to play in design. As UI/UX designers we need to be aware of the existing and upcoming design trends, constantly learning and expanding our design tool kit every day. Here we look at the changes we’d look like to see in user experience and user interface in 2021.

3d Elements in UI

3d graphics are getting more and more presence in web and mobile interface. No doubt interaction of various 3d graphics into mobile and web interfaces is quite a challenge that requires good skills and an artistic eye to be crafted well. Whet ever there are many benefits to adding 3d elements to our UI/UX design.

· User’s ability to understand the scale of the object.

· Enable easier user journey.

· 360 degrees presentation.

· 3d elements look more appealing to users which triggers their long-time engagement.

Glass Morphism

Most people like the latest UI design trends in glass morphism. Eye-catching and colorful, this trend favors transparency and a multi-layered approach. The glass morphism design giving the impression of frosted glass and it’s a modern UI design trend. The style is heavily influenced by the similar concept that has been first introduced by Apple in 2013 with IOS 7 and windows vista. In many cases and when it’s used wisely, Glassmorphism can make websites and apps look more attractive to users. Check out some of these examples.

Dark mode

A dark theme displays dark surfaces across the majority in UI and UX. We interact with apps and read websites all day and night. White screens of the digital solutions may be inconvenient for our eyes, that’s why all the apps and website went into dark mode design. Dark mode has got a specific rule that we should follow to make it natural for the users. The main advantage of a dark theme is better readability in a low light environment. As UI and UX designer concept it reduces the eye strain for the user and improves the readability in the night time.

Colorless UI

Color theory knowledge has become more prominent in every UI and UX design. Proper color use is important for creating a positive image for your customers, that’s why color plays a major role in UI and UX design. It is one of the most powerful tools in a designer toolkit. Most of the UI designers are using vibrant colors to focus user’s attention on important elements and to make our design memorable. Here I can suggest some color pallets for the best UI design experience.

· Monotone Color pallet

· Duotone

Bauhaus Style

The style of Bauhaus is commonly characterized as a combination of the arts and crafts movement with modernism. Bauhaus designs feature little ornamentation and a focus on balanced forms and abstract shapes. Today’s UI and UX design is a Bauhaus renaissance. At the heart of the Bauhaus and responsive UX, movements are a few core elements: reducing design to necessary function, making it beautiful and effortless, as well as crafting every small detail.

Colors on White Surface

Designers believe in using white space for elements and ensuring a quality experience. Understanding color psychology is a key aspect of creating a color palette, that’s works well in digital design. There’s often either too much of it, making the dashboard visually overwhelming, or too little of it, producing a boring dashboard. The best way to engage users is through “color blocking” balancing monochromatic background colors against bright colors to highlight important insights or anomalies in the data. Less is more, when you are using less color in your Ui design that will be more attractive and highlight for users.

Animated Illustration in UI

Basically, illustration is the visual interpretation for a user interface has been one of the most popular and solid design trends. The animated illustration is the great power breathing life into the process of interaction with users. It helps users to get feedback, provides opportunities for fast and easy micro-interactions.

Aesthetic Minimalism

Minimalism one of the most aspect used in UI design, its helps to improve the user experience. Before we start minimalistic design in our UI design, it’s essential to understand what the term “minimalist” means and why minimalism is important in ui. Here some of features in minimalism is

· Simplicity

· Clarity

· Expressive Visual Hierarchy

· Functionality of every element

The UI design trends in 2020 have taken the best from the past, focusing on simplicity and accessibility. Today’s designs are visually pleasant and optimized at the same time, and it is not likely to change in the near future. Hope this article helps you for better clarity and new trends in UI design.

